Personalised price quote – Selection criteria Personalised price quote – Selection criteria Select the criteria for your stay, we will provide you with a personalised price quote at the best price. Url Your Name * Telephone Your email * Date of arrival dd/mm/yyyy Date of departure dd/mm/yyyy Budget of stay Indifferent 300-500 € 500-700 € 700-900 € 900-1100 € 1100-1500 € 1500-2000 € +2000 € One week stay - accommodation only Budget of stay + activities Indifferent 300-500 € 500-700 € 700-900 € 900-1100 € 1100-1500 € 1500-2000 € +2000 € One week stay - accommodation only Number of adults Number of children +3 years Number of children - 3 years City (several choices possible) Argol Camaret Crozon Lanvéoc Le fret Morgat Telgruc-sur-Mer Type of accommodation (several choices possible) Appartment House Important criteria (several choices possible) View of the sea In the countryside Close to town centre/shops Quiet area Tv Internet Garden Garrage Equipped kitchen How did you find us? Your choice Relatives/friends Internet Press Facebook/Twitter Tourist information office Others On holiday you enjoy (several choices possible) Water sports Land sports Cultural activities Resting and relaxing Festive activities Other Other services required (several choices possible) Baby-sitter House cleaner shopping delivery service Reservation of activities Other (your comments) Comments, suggestions, a special request. Describe your request, you may have suggestions?